
Member of the Board of Directors of CaixaBank since 2014.

Graduate in Law and Economic and Commercial Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid (1971). Postgraduate course with final thesis in European Law and International Law, Diploma in International Law, Pembroke College, Cambridge University (United Kingdom). Scholarship from the Juan March Foundation.

In 1974 he won the State Attorney's examinations and as such he was assigned to the Legal Services of the Ministries of Finance, Economy and Foreign Affairs from 1974 to 1989. From September 1989 to November 1994 he was Deputy Director General - Head of the International Legal Advisory of the Spanish Credit Bank in Madrid. From November 1994 to June 1998 he was General Counsel – Director of the Legal Service of the European Monetary Institute (EMI) in Frankfurt (the body in charge of preparing the introduction of the Euro). And, from June 1998 to November 2013, he was General Counsel and Director General of the Legal Service of the European Central Bank (ECB), retiring in November 2013 upon reaching the statutory age of 65.

Antonio Sainz